In this world, humanity has been at war with an alien race known as BETA for the past several decades, and has been losing quite considerably, with the entire world restructuring itself around military operations against these invading forces. Muv-Luv Unlimited begins with series protagonist Shirogane Takeru finding himself displaced in a world different from the peaceful and joyous one he knew from Extra.
The series is regarded as being “the most highly-acclaimed visual novel series of all time” and is known for how the series shifts from being a fairly typical if incredibly well made comedic dating sim into mecha driven drama over the span of three games, with Unlimited being where that shift happens, although not as elegantly as I would have been led to believe.
Getting the semantics out of the way first, Muv-Luv Unlimited in curiously named the second game in the Muv-Luv series, following Muv-Luv Extra, and is in included in a compilation simply called Muv-Luv.